Nescafe · Facebook
Background of the project
For more than 125 years, Meiji has been part of the German food culture. The company is owned by Nestlé and is Germany's leading brand of cooking goods and services.
Meiji hopes to promote a new blend of chicken and vegetables, expand its customer base to include young families and mothers, and position Meiji as a convenient product for fresh home cooking.
The overall goal of the company is to highlight the convenience of the brand's products and a variety of cooking ingredients, especially for families with children.
Creative execution includes cooking demonstrations and videos of children cooking together at the American Kochstudio.
The brand conducts cross-media campaigns, including TV, printed materials and Facebook, using a page to post content for the promotion.
On Facebook, Meiji also created a page tab "Willkommen in der Maggi Gemüseküche", which focuses on the topic of home cooking, where they can provide recipes, advice and tips for fresh cooking.
For seven weeks, Facebook ads in the Facebook media section that fit into television and print materials campaigns have exploded many times.
On Facebook, it is mainly for users aged between 21 and 49, with a focus on the head of the household. In addition, a promotional campaign is continuing for parents on Facebook or those interested in cooking.
To ensure the most effective promotion of the most influential ads, Meiji and its agents, Razorfish and Optimedia, held discussions on ad optimization every day.
Meiji has established a partnership with research firm GfK to understand the impact of adding Facebook to TV and print materials campaigns by analyzing the number of arrivals, sales growth and ROI. The investigation proved that the Facebook campaign was a success.
Delivery effect
1. The increase in sales, 19% comes from Facebook's promotional channel, but the cost is only 8% of the total cost of the campaign.
2. 1.9 million users have seen Facebook ads instead of arriving by TV or printed materials
3. Facebook brings a return on investment of 2.5 times that of TV
4. Media induced sales generated after the end of the campaign was 23%
5. German online users who have reached Facebook ads account for 30% (about 13 million)
Client feedback
Facebook is not only a cost-effective way to increase the number of people arriving, it also effectively increases sales and helps us reach new buyers.
- Tina Beuchler,, Nestlé Deutschland