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Really? EBay bans sellers from selling epidemic-related products such as masks


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March 7 news, eBay yesterday announced that due to regulatory restrictions in the United States, eBay has chosen to prohibit sellers from posting masks, hand sanitizers and other items related to the epidemic on the site.

AliExpress emphasizes that when selling masks, merchants need to ensure legal origin and quality assurance. For products that do not meet the requirements of product release specifications, the platform will be removed from the shelves for the first time. If the rules are violated again, the platform will delete the products. For products with misplaced products, if the violation is particularly serious, the account will be closed.


So at this time, how to buy masks for huge consumer demand? Check out WeChat Mall in China


Quickly register and verify overseas WeChat public account, build WeChat mall, and open cross-border payment. Make it easy for people who need a mask.


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